If you are like me, your garden is a mix of plants that obviously did not survive the freeze of last week and some that look like they were bred to live through snow and ice. If you have questions on how to tell if your plants are alive and worth saving and how to save them if they are, then log in to a series of presentations hosted by our friends at Texas A&M AgriLife and the professionals of Texas Nursery and Landscape (TNLA). These leader of industry and government will be hosting a series of Zoom meetings that will give homeowners the information they need to recover their gardens. The presentations will be at 4:00 pm on Friday and connections are limited so sign in early. The first presentation will be an in-depth discussion on turf damage
Hobbyists and Home Owners, Recovering Turf Grass Friday Feburary 26th at 4:00 pm CST. Register: https://agrilife.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uc-ChrjgoE9RL-0YibQgQeALIkOgizdkA
Webinars will be recorded and be made available through the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab – Chat with Green Aggies YouTube Playlist.